
supply transformer中文是什么意思

  • 电源变压器
  • 供电变压器



  • 例句与用法
  • Generic specification of electronic power supply transformers for use in instrument
  • Secondly , the model of the high frequency switching mode power supply transformer with the lest loss and highest efficiency was set up . with the genetic algorithm and microsoft visual foxpro 6 . 0 , the optimization designing software of high frequency switching mode power supply transformer ? hfsmpst expert v1 . 0 was developed . then the sample of the high frequency switching mode power supply transformer was produced
    接着本文建立了损耗最小、效率最高的高频开关电源变压器的设计模型,利用遗传算法和microsoftvisualfoxpro6 . 0开发了高频开关电源变压器优化设计软件hfsmpstexpertv1 . 0 ,研制了高频开关电源变压器样品并介绍了其工艺方法和流程,最后本文通过实验测试验证了设计的正确性,实现了预定的研究目标。
  • First in this thesis , calculation methods and work states of five high frequency switching mode power supply transformers in circuit form had been studied systematically . then the optimum square - approach - method was used to fix the pcv - f - bm curve of the pc40 magnetic core material . the values of m1 , m2 and m3 in the high frequency formula pcv = m1 * bm2 * fm3 can be gotten and the experience values of these parameters during the traditional design was modified
    首先本文系统研究了五种电路形式的高频开关电源变压器的工作状态及其计算方法,然后用最佳平方逼近法对pc40磁芯的pcv f bm曲线进行拟合,求得了高频下磁芯损耗pcv = m1 * bm2 * fm3公式中的m1 、 m2 、 m3值,修正了传统设计中对这三个参数的经验取值。
  • Based on the relevant theoretical researches , the loss property of the magnetic core material and winding were analyzed in this thesis . and 500 khz high frequency switching mode power supply transformer was made of pc40 magnetic core material for the first time in this thesis , which has good application perspective and can lead to enormous economic profits
  • 推荐英语阅读
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